Za!revue original manifesto
¶It's a no periodic, independent graphic magazine

¶Za is born against a global society that overfeeds us with info (tv www ads..), to defend everyone's right, to spread free information (Art II-71 EU Const.: Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.)
¶Za is a meeting space for the exchange and the diffusion of ideas transformed into images and text,that's why a magazine, a paper artefact that flows hand to hand.. we are the kids who take posession of the communication tools, . in order to make the ideas' communication . possible for everybody. . "Design vaunts itself as an accesible art. It doesn't require burdensome theory. Design is public art - everybody gets it -"

¶Za is the concept of an open place with freedom of access and expression. Every person can express himselfand experiment through a free web site and, first of all, through networking and the participation to the paper edition.
¶Za intends to reconnect everyone's expression form to a social message, because we are persuaded that grafic and art can lead the diffusion of strong messages with a deep impact, individuate issues and find solutions.
¶Za is not only a space where there is freedom of expression, Za doesn't want to be just a new tool to make self-advertisement.
¶I reject the concept of copyright.
¶Take what you can use.
¶Black and White
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